Seminar - June 2023 Educational Seminar
Date: Jun 15, 2023
Time: 1 PM
Location: Lindsborg
J.O. Sundstrom Conference Center
102 N. Main Street
Lindsborg, KS 67456
Use your iPhone to visually tell your story!
Photography transforms us, takes us to new destinations, and opens windows to new ways of seeing. Few cameras have changed photography as much as the iPhone, freeing photographers from the tyranny of overstuffed camera bags as well as the dogged allegiance to technical solutions. The iPhone spurs journeys of visual discovery – and it’s a lot of fun! Besides that, you’re paying good money for the camera that you carry everywhere every day. It’s time to master everything this wonderful tool has to offer.
Join Jim Richardson, an award-winning National Geographic photographer, for an afternoon session exploring the tools and learning the skills that will make you an iPhone believer. This educational seminar takes place at the J.O. Sundstrom Conference Center in Lindsborg from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on June 15, 2023. Register today!

Jim Richardson ( has built his photographic career around visual storytelling by creating groundbreaking work in documentary, resource issues, environmental photography and the critical concerns of feeding the planet. Before concentrating his working life at National Geographic for the last 30+ years he was noted for his innovative documentary narratives of rural life and adolescence that won him special recognition in the World Understanding contest three times (1975, 1976, 1977) and the Crystal AMI for best multimedia presentation in the world in 1983. For National Geographic he pioneered fresh visual narratives of water issues in the 1990’s before beginning his work on food, agricultural development, and the problems surrounding feeding our hungry world. Besides teaching at the Missouri Photo Workshop, Photography at the Summit workshops, Santa Fe Photo Workshops and many others, he was co-founder and content developer of the National Geographic TRAVELER photo seminars. He speaks world-wide on food issues and his longtime fascination with the culture and landscape of Scotland. Among numerous awards he is proudest that his fellow National Geographic photographers named him their “Photographer’s Photographer” in 2014 and the people of Cuba, Kansas (Pop. 186) named him their “Honored Citizen.” He is co-founder of Eyes On Earth, an educational initiative that seeks to inspire a new generation of visual storytellers for the Anthropocene era. In 2017 Kansas State University bestowed an honorary doctorate for his work in cultural and environmental communications.