Brand USA

When Congress returns to DC on September 8th there will be a strong effort by US Travel to gain additional support in the Senate for S.2250, which reauthorizes Brand USA. Established by the Travel Promotion Act, Brand USA is a non-profit private-public partnership that promotes increased inbound international travel to the United States. Brand USA is financed by a fee assessed on international visitors applying for entry into the United States under the Visa Waiver Program and matching resources provided by private-sector partners.

Prior to the August break, TIAK worked closely with USA Travel to educate our Kansas delegation on the importance of Brand USA and the specific economic impact it has on Kansas tourism.  We are in need of additional TIAK members to assist us in our efforts to secure the support of Senators Moran and Roberts.  If you would like to join TIAK in our efforts, below are links to resources which will assist you with your messaging:

  • For talking points on Brand USA and its impact on Kansas click here.
  • For a copy of the letter Kevin Fern sent to Congressman Moran click here.
  • Send correspondence for Senator Moran to staff member Mark Colwell at [email protected].
  • Send correspondence for Senator Roberts to staff member Amber Sechrist at [email protected].

If you have any questions or need additional information, please reach out to Natalie at [email protected] for assistance.  As always, we greatly appreciate your assistance with advocacy!